Things You'll Need
- Tape measure
- Coat fabric
- Lining fabric
- Scissors
- Pins
- Fabric marker
- Sewing machine
- Thread
- Velcro
- 1/2-inch ribbon
Measure your dog across his/her shoulders between the spots on each side where you want the coat to end. This will be the width of the coat. Then, measure from the center of your dog's chest––just blow his/her collar––back toward the tail, keeping the tape measure level with the floor. Stop at the point where you want the coat to end, just before you reach the tail. This will be the length of the coat.
Add 1 inch to the width measurement and 3 inches to the length measurement and cut a rectangle of your waterproof fabric based on these numbers. Lie the fabric out on a table in front of you with the "tail end" of the fabric on your right side.
Measure along your dog's back from his/her collar to the spot you want the coat to end. Add 1/2 inch to this measurement. Now, measure this distance from the center of the right edge of your fabric straight across toward the left edge. Keep your tape measure parallel to the bottom edge of the fabric. Mark this point with a pin.
Measure down the dog's chest from his/her collar to the point you want the coat to end. Measure this distance up the left edge of your fabric from the bottom corner. Mark this point with a pin. Measure the same distance down from the top left corner. Mark this point also. Draw a line with a fabric marker to connect your three pin-marked points, drawing an arched opening for the dog's neck along the left edge of the fabric. Cut the fabric along this line.
Use your newly cut waterproof fabric as a pattern for cutting a matching piece of the lining fabric. With the fabrics' right sides together, sew along the outside edge with a 1/2-inch seam allowance, leaving a 3-inch opening for turning the fabrics right-side-out later. Trim seam allowance along the the curves and corners. Turn the coat right-side-out and press. Slip-stitch the 3-inch opening closed.
Sew Velcro along each side of the front opening of the coat. Sew a piece of ribbon on each side of the coat 3 inches from the back edge. The ribbons should be long enough to tie them underneath your dog's stomach to hold the back of the coat down.