Instructions for Guardian Underground Dog Fencing

Guardian underground dog fencing is designed to teach your pet to stay within the boundaries of the fence. Underground fences use negative reinforcement, in the form of a small electric shock, whenever the pet leaves the confined area. The shock doesn’t seriously hurt the animal, but it is unpleasant enough to teach the pet not to go beyond a certain point. You will have to slowly train your pet, over a period of weeks, for the fence to be effective.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Wire stripping pliers
  • Circular saw
  • Waterproofing compound
  • PVC pipe
  • Scissors
  • Two 3-volt batteries
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    • 1

      Place the transmitter in a dry, well-ventilated place. The transmitter should not be installed where the temperature will drop below freezing. The transmitter should also be at least 3 feet away from any metal appliances.

    • 2

      Dig a trench along the entire path where the underground fence will go. Dig the path from the fence to the area of the house where the transmitter box is installed. The trench only needs to be about 3 to 6 inches deep. The trench needs to make a continuous loop around the area, because the same wire has to start and stop at the transmitter. If part of the planned trench already has a fence installed, you can run the wire along the fence, using staples to attach it. Backfill the trench when the wire is in place.

    • 3

      Use the circular saw to cut a small trench for the wire when it needs to cross concrete or asphalt. Once the wire is inside, cover the groove with waterproofing compound. If the wire needs to cross a gravel or dirt driveway, dig a trench, but place the wire into PVC piping and place the piping into the trench.

    • 4

      Install the boundary wire into the trench. For any areas where you need to run wire but don’t want the fence active, twist two active wires together. Run the two end of the wires through a crack in a window, or drill a 1/4 inch hole, so that the wires can connect to the transmitter. Strip the last 1/2 inch off of the wire and insert the ends into the two wire terminals on the bottom of the transmitter.

    • 5

      Plug the transmitter into the wall and adjust the knob on the front of the transmitter to set the width of the fence.

    • 6

      Insert boundary flags every 10 feet along the entire active fence. These flags are a visual cue for your dog to learn where the fence is and will be removed after a few weeks.

    • 7

      Place the collar around your pet’s neck so that the contacts are positioned on the underside of the neck. If your pet has thick fur, you might need to install the longer contact points. Let your pet wear the collar for a few minutes, then check it again to make sure it still fits. Remove the collar and cut the excess plastic tab.

    • 8

      Remove the battery door with the tool provided in the kit. Install two 3-volt batteries with the positive side facing out. Replace the door and screw it tight. Press the button on the top of the collar and the indicator will flash from one to three times depending on the correction level. To increase the level, press the button again within five seconds. For level one, the color only beeps, for level two it will produce a small static shock and for level three it will produce a high-static shock.

    • 9

      Set the color to level two or three and press the test light to the contacts on the collar. Walk to the underground fence to make sure that the collar is beeping properly. Cross the boundary and the test light should start flashing. If the collar does not beep, or the test light does not flash, there might be something wrong with the fence.

    • 10

      Place the collar around your pet’s neck and begin the process of training your pet. Consult the training guide for the proper directions for each day as your pet becomes used to the fence.