Training Collar Use

Known by many names, the training collar also goes by "choke chain," "slip collar" and "traditional" collar. No matter what it is called, the training collar is a functional tool that every trainer, owner and handler should know how to use.
  1. Types

    • While the most popular type of training collar is the "choke chain" or "traditional" training collar, there are a variety of others as well. The prong collar, electronic collar and head collar are all types of training collars. However, the traditional training collar is the most popular and most widely used, according to 101 Dog Training Tips. Traditional training collars are made out of metal chains, nylon rope, leather or any combination of those materials. Nylon and leather collars prevent the fur from being worn off your dog's neck and provide more comfort for the dog.


    • A properly fitted training collar does not "choke" your dog. It's meant to be used as a corrective tool, much like popping a child on the bottom with your open hand. It doesn't really hurt, but it's quite surprising and quickly catches their attention. It pinches the brachial nerve in the dog's throat and it feels much like hitting your funny bone on a table or other hard surface. The collar should only be used while training and not as an "everyday" collar.


    • Unless the collar is properly fitted, it's worthless as a training tool. The collar should barely fit over your dog's head and nestle snugly beneath his ears. Measure your dog's neck with a string directly below her ears, high on her neck. Add 2 inches to that measurement. Purchase that size of collar. When putting the collar on your dog, stand to her right. Put your right index finger in the ring where the leash is hooked. Hold the rest of the collar with your left hand. The loops should fall to form a "p" over the dog's head. Slip the collar on with the flat of the "p" going over her head. The collar should snugly fit over your dog's head and rest high on her neck.


    • The training collar allows for an instant, marked, clear correction. It tells the dog exactly what he did wrong so that he understands not to do it again.


    • Training collars easily get caught on objects and, in effect, can hang your dog. Never allow your dog to wear a training collar outside of a training session.