The active ingredient in Bayer Advanced is permethrin, a chemical that is in the synthetic pyrethroid family. The other ingredients are inactive and are listed only as other ingredients on the label without further clarification. Bayer Advanced is 99.75 percent inactive ingredients and 0.25 percent permethrin.
How to Use
Bayer Advance is for use on dogs and cats over 12 weeks of age. The product is sold as a ready to use dust. Apply 1/2 oz. of the product on dogs under 20 lbs. and 1 oz. for dogs over 20 lbs. Avoid getting the product into your pet's eyes, a directive specifically stated on the product label. Work the product down into the hair. The label instructions say to pay close attention to the paws and legs. Dust all bedding with Bayer Advanced. Bayer Advanced should be applied every two weeks as necessary.
Safety Issues
A report by Caroline Cox of the Journal for Pesticide Reform titled "Permethrin" states that permethrin is a carcinogen because of the fact that it is known to cause lung cancer in laboratory rats and liver cancer in both genders of mice. Permethrin is a neurotoxin. Warnings on the Bayer Advanced label suggest using gloves when applying the product. The product label states that Bayer Advanced is harmful to animals if ingested or inhaled. A veterinarian should be consulted prior to using on pregnant and elderly dogs, or on dogs with severe health issues. Bayer's FAQ states that Bayer Advanced is safe for use on dogs.
Bayer Advanced kills ticks. Bayer Advanced kills fleas, ticks and lice on dogs. It is packaged as a dust or powder. Bayer Advanced kills fleas, ticks, and lice by disrupting the nervous and respiratory systems of these insects. The active ingredient permethrin is responsible for the insect's demise. The other inert or inactive ingredients make the application of Bayer Advanced easier.
Bayer Advanced should be used with care. When applying the product to dogs, be sure to follow all package directions completely, including warnings and disposal information. Keep Bayer Advanced out of the reach of children.
Bayer Advanced for Dogs
Bayer Advanced is an insect dust used to kill garden insects and insects that are pests to dogs. According to the package label, it is safe for topical use on dogs. There is a caution section stating that this product is a hazard to humans and domestic animals. Dog owners should carefully consider if Bayer Advanced is the right product for their dog.