Things You'll Need
- 100 µH RF Choke
- AM radio
Walk along the wire, looking for any fresh holes or tilled earth. If you find signs of disturbed ground, your wire might have been disturbed as well. It's possible the broken wire will even be exposed.
Check and tighten any wire connections at the transmission box.
Purchase a 100 µH RF choke from an electronics store. The choke shouldn't cost more than a few dollars.
Disconnect both fence wire leads from the transmitter.
Connect the ends of the 100 µH RF choke to the transmitter in place of the fence leads. Turn the transmitter on at full-strength. The transmitter should report a complete fence circuit.
Wind the insulated sections of the fence leads around the legs of the 100 µH RF choke. Ensure that the uninsulated sections of the fence leads are in contact with the legs, as well.
Turn on your AM radio and tune it to 600. Walk along the length of the underground wire, holding the radio close to the ground.
Listen for a distinct throbbing sound coming from the radio. The throbbing sound indicates that you are standing above the wire break in the fence. Move the radio over the break several times to be sure.