Astroturf For Pets

Astroturf, a synthetic carpet designed and colored to resemble lawn grass, serves a couple of purposes for pet owners. Most commonly used by dog owners, Astroturf provides a training surface requiring no maintenance and no muddy spots. Another canine use of Astroturf is as a dog "potty" area.
  1. Astroturf and Doggie Business

    • Specially designed Astroturf-type carpets can be used for dog elimination areas. Dogs are attracted to the grass-like appearance of the turf. This gives the dog a comfortable place to go without generating dead grass.

    Installing Turf

    • The turfs designed for the dog elimination areas are installed over a loose rock bed or a drainage mat. Drainage mats allow the turf to be installed over a concrete slab. Follow manufacturer's instructions for installation.

    Cleaning Turf

    • Liquid waste flows through the turf and is caught in the loose crushed rock bed or the drainage mat. Solid wastes are removed from the surface of the turf with a rake, broom or shovel. The turf is washed with water or water mixed with bleach. The bleach mixture, usually a quarter cup per 5 gallons of water, can be applied with a home and garden pump sprayer.

    Other Turf

    • Standard artificial turf, sometimes purchased used from athletic facilities, is sometimes used in commercial and club dog-training facilities. The turf eliminates the problem of lawn grass dying in high traffic areas, resulting in muddy areas. The turf can be installed over concrete or pavement or over a loose crushed rock base.

    Cleaning Artificial Turf

    • Most artificial turf can be cleaned with mild soaps and water. Follow manufacturer's instructions for installation and cleaning of the turf. These turf installations are not intended for dog elimination, but rather to keep the animal from encountering muddy areas during training and exercise.