About Frontline Flea Prevention

Frontline is one of the leading topical flea and tick preventatives on the market. Frontline is relatively safe and effective. Frontline protects your pets and home from flea infestation and also repels ticks, which carry Lyme disease and other illnesses. Frontline can be purchased at your veterinarian's office or ordered online. It comes in several strengths and formulas.
  1. Application

    • Frontline is applied once a month to your dog or cat. Spread the hair in between the shoulder blades apart to reveal the skin. Try to see about an inch or so of skin. Open the Frontline tube and dispense the preventative directly to the skin. Empty the entire contents of the tube. Cover the application spot with the parted hair and allow the area to dry. The medication will spread among the skin for the next few hours. Consider applying the treatment before you go to bed to allow the medication to dry without interruption.

    How It Works

    • Frontline is stored in the oil glands on the dog's skin. The medication is then distributed to the skin and hair of the animal through the hair follicles. Fleas and ticks do not need to bite your pet to receive the medication; the pests need only come in contact with your dog or cat to experience the affects of the preventative. Frontline starts to work within 12 hours of its application and will provide protection for a month. This preventative is also waterproof, which means your pet can swim and take baths and still have protection.

    What Frontline Prevents

    • Frontline prevents fleas and ticks from infesting your dog and cat and also breaks the life cycle of fleas to prevent future infestation. Frontline is beneficial for dogs and cats who are allergic to fleas. With just one bite, a flea can cause flea allergy dermatitis, in which a dog or cat becomes extremely itchy and potentially lose its hair. In addition, ticks also carry many diseases, such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesia and Lyme disease. Preventing your pet from coming in contact with ticks by using a preventative will decrease the risk. Frontline Plus also eliminates chewing lice and can aid in relieving sarcoptic mange.

    Dosage and Approved Uses

    • Frontline Plus is available in many different sizes to treat a variety of dogs and cats. Frontline Plus comes in one size for cats and for dogs, 22 pounds and under, 23 to 44 pounds, 45 to 87 pounds and 89 to 132 pounds. Frontline Plus is approved for use in healthy dogs and cats eight weeks and older and is also approved for use on pregnant, lactating and breeding dogs.


    • Pets that have debilitating diseases or are in poor health should first consult a veterinarian before applying Frontline. In addition, if the pet has received treatment from another preventative in the last 30 days, it should not receive a Frontline application for a month. Do not use Frontline on dogs and cats that are allergic to any of the ingredients.