How to Repair a Citronella Collar

Citronella collars are used by dog owners to curb their dog's excited barking. A microphone embedded in the collar signals a spray of natural citronella that disturbs the dog, deterring it from barking. There are a number of reasons your dog's citronella collar may stop working. Troubleshooting and repairing general problems are relatively easy and worth the time to get your dog's excessive barking back under control.

Things You'll Need

  • Bandana
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      Check the position of the collar, and make sure your dog's hair is not blocking the microphone. If the hair is in the way of the microphone, it may not signal the gust of citronella. You can fix this by tying a bandanna around your dog's neck and affixing the collar over top of the bandanna.

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      Replace the battery in the collar. Many times when the battery starts to wear down, the collar will stop spraying.

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      Refill the citronella dispenser. Sometimes when the citronella level is low, the collar will not spray properly. Refilling the dispenser may fix the issue.

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      Make sure the collar is properly fitted around your dog's neck. If the collar is too tight, it could prohibit the microphone from working, while a loose collar may position the microphone too far away to pick up the sound signal.

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      Remove any other collars and tags your dog is wearing while using the citronella collar. Sometimes the sounds made by the tags jingling can cause the collar to spray when it isn't supposed to, which could distress your dog.