New Puppy Gift Ideas

Whether you are getting a new puppy, or you have a friend who has a puppy, buying a gift can help the pup's development, entertain him for hours, or even add to your or your friend's excitement about the new addition. When choosing a new puppy gift, consider some alternative, or perhaps more personal, ideas to the usual gifts of dog bowls or collars.
  1. Toys

    • Puppies love to play, which means toys are good gift choices for the pup in your life. Choose rope toys that are knotted at both ends to allow the puppy to chew and shake, both of which are natural for dogs. Also look for squeaky toys that will delight your pup with a high-pitched squeak when he chews or steps on them.

    Handmade Treats

    • Either make them yourself, or look in the phone book for a dog bakery in your area. Handmade treats are sometimes healthier than store-bought ones, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Look for treats shaped like frosted donuts or even iced cookies. These fun treats will not only delight the puppy, his owner may get a kick out of them too.

    Dog Bed

    • Choose a soft, cozy dog bed for the new puppy in your life. He will love the gift of a nice, warm bed to snuggle up in after a long day of playing and discovering the world.

    Name Tags

    • If the new puppy already has a name, go to any pet store and get his name and phone number engraved on a dog tag. You can pick them in in different shapes and colors, such as blue bones or pink hearts, to match the personality of the puppy. This is a personal and practical gift; if the puppy ever gets lost, she will have her owner's number on her collar.

    Coats or Boots

    • Small puppies can feel the cold easily, so consider buying a warm coat or boots to keep the little one warm and dry during the colder months. This is especially a good idea for puppies with little or no fur; long-haired pups have their natural coats for keeping warm.

    Paw Print Kit

    • A more unusual gift, a paw print kit allows a you to make prints of your new puppy's paws as a keepsake. When the puppy is grown, you will be able to reminisce about the tininess of the puppy's paws with this nostalgic gift.