How to Choose the Correct Size Dog Cage

A dog cage, also called a kennel or a crate, is an excellent training tool. A dog cage provides your dog with a safe, secure place that is similar to a den. It is important to select a dog cage that is the right size for your dog: not too small and not too large. The best size decision on a cage for your dog is one that will either be replaced as your puppy grows or that adjusts to accommodate your dog's growth.


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      Estimate the adult size of your puppy, or weigh your adult dog so that you know his current size. A puppy's adult size can be judged by the size of his parents or by consulting a veterinarian. The height and size range for purebred dogs can be found in the description of breed standard.

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      Plan where you will place the dog cage in your home. Measure to know the maximum dimensions. Consider that puppies prefer to be in a room with their humans, in a location that is out of people traffic while still being connected to the sounds and sights of family life.

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      Research dog cages. Dog crates are available in a wide variety of sizes and styles. Visit a pet supply store or look through online catalogs. Most manufacturers provide a chart with the range of heights and weights recommended for the various size cages.

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      Choose a crate that allows your puppy or dog to lie down comfortably. He should be able to stand, although not with his head held high, and to turn around. It is especially important not to put a puppy in a cage that is too big; during housebreaking training, a puppy may soil his cage if there enough room to move away from the "sleeping" space.

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      Consider purchasing a cage that has an adjustable partition. This type of cage will grow with your puppy.