How to Apply a Dog Muzzle

Muzzles get a bad reputation. Although these devices may resemble archaic forms of physical punishment they are harmless and can be a valuable tool in the training and socialization of a dog who is overly frightened or aggressive. When used properly, a muzzle can prevent injury to your dog or others and keeps your dog from acting out in emergencies or unfamiliar situations. Once your dog is acclimated to the muzzle, putting it on takes only seconds.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treat
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    • 1

      Place a treat at the bottom of your muzzle, so that the dog must stick his nose into the muzzle to get the treat.

    • 2

      Reward your dog every time she shows interest in the muzzle.

    • 3

      Place the muzzle over your dog's snout.

    • 4

      Fasten the cheek straps of the muzzle, if applicable. Some muzzles have an additional strap behind the dog's head. Fasten this strap as well.

    • 5

      Have your dog wear the muzzle for a short period of time. Reward your dog with a treat while she is wearing the muzzle, if the muzzle is a harness style that allows your dog to open her mouth a small bit. If you have a basket muzzle, reward your dog with petting and praise.

    • 6

      Remove the muzzle from your dog. Repeat this process each day for a longer period of time. Continue praising your dog for wearing a muzzle until she can go an hour or longer without complaint.

    • 7

      Apply the muzzle as described in steps three and four each time the dog must wear the muzzle.