Sport Pet Pop Up Soft Crate Instructions

A Sport Pet Pop Up Soft Crate, officially called a Sport Pet Pop Open Crate, is a portable pet crate that you can take with you wherever you go. They are easy to assemble, store flat and require no excess work or tools to assemble. As long as you know how to use a pop open soft crate, it can be the best choice for you and your animal when you are traveling.
  1. Unfold

    • Unfold your Sport Pet Pop Open soft crate in order to be able to use it. Pull on one of the edges that you can see in the flat crate. As you pull, brace the other edge with your hands to keep it from coming along with the first edge. Wiggle the top edge of the crate as you pull it, and stand back from it. As long as it is in working order, it should pop open right in front of your eyes.

      Pull down the door flaps and zipper them closed before you put your pet inside.


    • Refold the Sport Pet Pop Open soft crate in order to store it, or while you aren't using it anymore. To do this, make sure your pets and any of their toys, treats or blankets are out of the crate. Then push in at either of the top corners. As you do this, the crate should begin to fold in on itself. Continue to push on the edge of the crate as it begins to fold into itself. Guide it with your fingers, and allow it to follow the folds that it already has.


    • Fold and unfold the soft crate several times so that you can get used to the natural ways that the crate bends and folds and unfolds again. The more you do this the more you will realize that the crate has been designed to fold and unfold almost entirely on its own, with little help from you. This is part of what makes it an excellent crate for traveling with your pet.