How to Use the SENSE-ation Harness on a Dog

It's time to take your canine friend for a walk. And if you're like millions of pet parents, this daily ritual-which provides you and your pet with healthy exercise and one-one-one time-can be a chore if your dog pulls, moves too fast, or won't respond to any of your commands. A SENSE-ation Harness, manufactured by Soft Touch Concepts, can make your daily walks more enjoyable for both your and your dog. These harnesses sharpen your dog's sense of feeling when he feels the pressure exerted by harness.


  1. Putting the SENSE-ation Harness on

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      Be calm and friendly when putting the SENSE-ation Harness on your dog. You want walks to be a thing of enjoyment and not a chore for both you and your best friend. To put the harness on your pet, unsnap the buckle on its bottom strap.

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      Face your dog. holding the top strap with your right hand, put it over his head. The top strap should fall across your dog's chest.

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      Locate the slider. Use it to adjust the harnesses side rings so they are midway between your dog's back and stomach by sliding it either forward or backward.

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      Snap the buckle closed with your hand.

    Using the SENSE-ation Harness

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      After you have put the SENSE-ation Harness on your dog, have him sit. Use the slider on the bottom strap to adjust the harness if it is too tight or loose by sliding it forward or backward. Attach your leash to the leash ring. You will know you have the harness on correctly when it is flat when you are holding your leash up.

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      Walk your dog outside. Stand in front of him. Hold the leash so there is some tension in it but neither too tight nor too loose.

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      Remain standing in front of your dog. Call your dog to you. Move to the right, and gently pull the leash toward you.

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      Stop moving when your dog reaches you, praise him and give him some affection (have a treat handy as a reward at the end of your walk).

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      Walk a few steps. Use the leash to gently guide your dog toward your left. Stop moving. Reward your dog when he stops when you do.