How to Build a Pet Ramp Out of Plywood

If you have a pet who is having a hard time getting up to his favorite spot, you have probably considered building a ramp for him. One of the easiest ways to do this is to build a pet ramp out of plywood. Building this type of ramp takes only a few measurements, cutting and then fitting the pieces together. This is also a lightweight ramp which can be moved around as needed.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 by 4 standard size boards, 4
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Saw
  • Wood screws (1 box)
  • Drill
  • Plywood sheet (standard size)
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    • 1

      Measure the height of the object you want the pet to get up to. Start at the base and measure up. For an item such as a chair, this would be from the floor to the seat; for steps, it would be from the base of the bottom step to the top of the last step.

    • 2

      Measure the same amount from one end of a board. Mark your end location and repeat the step. You should have two equal sections marked on your board. Cut these two boards where you marked your lines. These are the back supports for the ramp.

    • 3

      Measure out a length of board which is twice the distance of the height measurement. Mark your end point, and repeat this measurement and mark a second line. Cut these two lines to give yourself two equal size long pieces. These are the base pieces for the ramp.

    • 4

      Take one of the short boards and one of the long boards for the next step in the assembly. Place one end of the long board against a wall with the wide side facing up. Face the wide side of the short board to the wide end of the long board, making a fat "L" laying down. Screw the two boards together with two wood screws. Wood screws will help hold the structure together against the weight and use of the ramp by your pet. Repeat this step with the other two boards remaining. This gives you the two sides to the ramp.

    • 5

      Measure from the top of the upright board to the far end of the vertical board. Your measuring tape will form the third side of a triangle when you do this. Write down this measurement on one of the remaining uncut board; it doesn't matter where. Measure that length on that board and mark the end point. Saw off the length at the mark. This becomes one of the supports for the ramp itself. Repeat this step with the remaining board.

    • 6

      Take the pieces you just cut and lay them out short side facing up. Set up the end of the measuring tape at the corner of one end. Form a triangle with the tape against the board by pulling the measuring tape across the short side at a 45-degree angle. Mark this line. Repeat this measurement at the opposite end of the board. Cut off the two corners. Repeat this step with the other piece you laid out.

    • 7

      Lay an "L" on its backside. Using one of the pieces you cut in the previous step, turn it so that the short side of that cut faces the "L." Place the board against the "L" forming a triangle. Screw this board into the other two with two wood screws at each end. Repeat this step for the other boards. You should have two complete sides for the ramp.

    • 8

      Measure a length of plywood the same length as the last boards you cut to make the top of the triangles. Mark the line and cut this piece.

    • 9

      Lay the plywood over the tops of the sides. Bring the sides out to the edge of the plywood. Screw down the plywood with a wood screw placed approximately every 3 inches.