How to Install a Doggie Dooley

Pet waste can accumulate quickly, especially if you own more than one animal. Stepping in your pet's feces while crossing the lawn is never a pleasant or welcome experience, especially if you don't happen to notice your error until you are in your house. In addition, the various piles of pet excrement dotting your lawn can prevent your children from enjoying running and playing in the grass. Scooping up the waste is one way to remove it from the lawn but disposing of it afterward can be problematic. A Doggie Dooley, an in-ground unit designed to digest pet waste, can be an ideal solution. Installation is relatively quick and easy.


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      Assemble the Doggie Dooley according to the manufacturer's instructions. The company manufactures different pail and pyramid style models. Assembly will depend on the specific model that you purchase.

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      Select the site for installation. Choose a place that is convenient to a water hose. Place the unit at least a few feet away from your house or other structures. Avoid placing the Doggie Dooley near entrances. Try to avoid installing it in an area where you may run over it with a lawnmower. This could result in lid replacement. Avoid areas of your yard that have high clay content.

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      Dig the appropriate size hole. Pail style models require you to dig a hole approximately 48 inches deep. The diameter of the hole will need to be 14 inches to 15 inches, depending on the specific model you have. The pyramid model requires a hole that is at least 20 inches by 20 inches square, and 23 inches deep.

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      Place the unit in the hole. If you find that the hole you dig is too big, fill in with dirt after placing the unit in the hole. In addition, you can also use bricks or rocks to ensure that the top of the unit is level with the ground. Place these objects under the corners of the unit as needed. While adding dirt, pack down the unit with your foot. Ensure that the top of the unit is not covered with dirt, because this will be your access point for waste disposal.