Homemade Coat Supplements for Dogs

If your dog suffers from dandruff or dry skin during the winter, she may benefit from coat supplements. These supplements, when obtained from commercial suppliers, can be costly and riddled with unessential items. Making your own coat supplements ensures that your dog is getting exactly the amount of the right nutrients to keep her coat shiny and healthy.
  1. Essential Fatty Acids

    • Fatty acids are an essential component to the well-being and appearance of your dog's coat. A dog's body can manufacture many of the oils needed to maintain a healthy coat. But some, such as omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, are unable to be synthesized. If a dog is not receiving these two essential fatty acids, his overall appearance may suffer for it.

      These items are obtainable through food, but sometimes not in the right amounts. Certain medical conditions may also make the body unable to process these essential fatty acids when administered via food. When this occurs, supplementation becomes necessary.


    • Flaxseed oil, which is perfectly harmless when given to your dog in small doses, contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil not only improves a dog's skin and coat but also bolsters her immune system, lowers cholesterol levels and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

      Salmon oil is another excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon can be given in cooked form or through the medium of salmon oil. Salmon oil is available at most health-food stores. Be forewarned, however, that the use of flaxseed or salmon oil can leave your dog smelling foul after her body has processed the ingredients.

    Ensuring a Healthy Coat

    • Ensuring a healthy coat does not depend entirely upon supplementation, however. Regular brushing and grooming of your dog removes dead skin and fur that otherwise lend a dog's coat a "dull" appearance.

      Switching to a premium dog food, preferably one recommended by a veterinarian, can also improve the appearance of your dog's coat. A quality diet will not only ensure coat health but also overall health. A visit to the veterinarian will also rule out any nutrient deficiencies or other, more serious maladies that may be rendering your dog's coat unhealthy.