Do it Yourself: Dog Jacket Patterns

When cold weather moves in, even a dog accustomed to the outdoors will feel the sting of Old Man Winter. Give your dog an extra layer of protection to withstand the bitter winds and snows. Why buy expensive dog coats from retailers when you can sew your own custom-fitted jacket for your pooch? Choose the colors and fabric. Color-coordinate with Fido's fur or eyes. With basic sewing machine skills and some planning, you can make your dog a jacket in a jiffy.
  1. Why Dogs Need Jackets

    • According to Dog &Kennel publications, "pets will shiver in response to being chilled." Dogs need jackets to help maintain body heat and regulate temperature the same way humans do. Short-haired breeds especially require an extra layer of winter protection. If it's too cold for you to go outside without a jacket, chances are it's too cold for your dog as well. Some breeds of dogs are more suited to the outdoors, but many domesticated indoor dogs will feel the bite of the cold without a jacket.

    Jacket Fabrics

    • Dog jackets come in a vast array of fabrics and constructions. From knitted to crocheted to tailored wools and plaids, dog jackets can be frumpy, functional or downright fashionable. Wool felt is easily cut and sewn and can be hand-washed in cold water, making it a good choice in jacket construction. Fleece is another good choice and requires little hemming, but looks snappy when finished with a contrasting colored blanket stitch.

    Measuring for Dog Jacket Patterns

    • Jacket patterns are custom-made according to your dog's measurements. Measure your dog from his neck to the base of his tail; from ribcage to ribcage over his back; from ribcage to ribcage under his belly; and from shoulder to shoulder across the chest. Create a pattern on paper for the body of the jacket, constructing a rounded corner rectangle using your dog's length plus width [across his back measurements], adding 1 inch around. Make the belly strap pattern by drawing a rectangle with the length of the dog's underbelly x 5-inch-wide measurements. The chest strap pattern uses your dog's across-the-chest measurements x 5 inches wide.

    Dog Jacket Construction

    • From the pattern, cut two of each piece. Sew the body, the belly strap and the chest strap with right sides of fabric facing. Turn inside out and close. The belly strap should be centered on the right side of the jacket body and sewn. The chest strap should be sewn onto the righthand corner. Velcro strips should be sewn on the left side upper corner and in the left center. For a finished look, topstitch around the edges of the jacket.