How to Find Lead Free Pet Products

Simple toys you might have thought were harmless for your pet to chew on and collars that they wear around their necks--may actually contain harmful levels of lead. Washington Toxics Coalition, a nonprofit group, tested 400 pet products designed specifically for dogs to bite or put in their mouth. They found led in one-fourth of the products and 28 of the products showed led levels greater than the maximum set forth for children's products by the Consumer Products Safety Commission. Here are ways to avoid toxic pet products.


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      Purchase human tennis balls for your dog rather than those made specifically for dogs. Nearly half of the dog tennis balls that were tested by the coalition contained lead, whereas human tennis balls contain no lead.

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      Avoid vinyl and soft plastic toys, brightly painted items and any items containing rhinestones and trinkets, which are more likely to contain lead or other harmful chemicals.

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      Look for a solid color pet collar without a painted design, since your pet will likely always wear the collar and you don't want lead touching the skin. Organic hemp collars are a safe bet for avoiding synthetics, metals and chemicals. They are normally made of 100 percent natural hemp fiber.