What Is Dog Mace?

Sometimes, instances occur in which a person needs protection from dogs. This could be while out for a walk or jog, or just passing through an area with unpredictable strays. In order to protect against being attacked, inventors have come up with dog mace to repel dogs from biting.
  1. Function

    • Much like pepper spray for humans, dog mace works by spraying a short burst of a chemical at the target. This spray should stop the dog in its place and prevent it from attacking. Each dog mace unit is filled with 10 discharges and can be attached to a keychain for easy access. Ideally, when spraying the animal, the eyes, nose and mouth should be affected. While it doesn't harm the dog, it will stop it long enough to prevent a potential attack.


    • Rather than having to pick up anything nearby as a potential weapon against an aggressive dog, dog mace is a safer alternative. The mace is made with an organic compound and therefore isn't harmful to the dog permanently. Much like human mace, dog mace causes the target to stop in its tracks due to intense irritation. Another benefit is that with its small size, it is easily carried anywhere that there might be a threat.


    • Currently, the makers of Mace brand pepper spray are the only manufacturers creating mace specifically for dogs. This dog mace is found under the brand name Muzzle. Muzzle brand dog spray can be ordered online from self-defense websites.

    Usage Detail

    • Dog mace is fairly simple to use. To ensure that there is no accidental discharge, there is a safety feature included in the cap. Another design included to prevent accidentally spraying yourself is the grip molding. This molding forces you to hold the canister correctly and ensure that the dog will be sprayed rather than yourself. Each spray lasts for one second when discharged and wears off within minutes. The spray stream can reach a maximum distance of 12 feet.


    • In order to keep yourself from feeling the spray, do not use the spray in direct wind. You must also make sure that the safety is off, and that you are holding the canister correctly. It is also important to be sure to hold the canister upright to ensure proper discharge.