Do-it-Yourself Dog Pens

Keeping your dogs properly contained is an important part of responsible pet ownership. However, not everyone has the ready funds for professional chain link fence installation. If you find yourself in a tight financial spot, you may want to consider making a dog pen yourself. These structures will keep your animals on your property while allowing them the benefit of the outdoors. As long as the pen is made soundly, your dogs will never know the difference.
  1. Plan Dimensions

    • Figuring out the outline of your pen or fence ahead of time will save countless hours and hassle down the line. Determine early on how large the perimeter will be, and make sure you have adequate materials to cover that area. The cornerstone of any pen is in the stakes, whether they be wooden or metal. Do not try to stretch too great a length of fencing across stake points. This will lead to a weak fence line that can be overturned by a determined canine. The ideal distance between stakes is 4 to 6 feet. Anything more than that will lead to sagging that will reduce the overall structural integrity.

    Stretch Fencing Tightly

    • Once you have placed the stakes, being sure to drive them deep into the ground, you can stretch the fence between the stake points. Make sure this is executed well. A loose fence will only become looser over time. Dogs will pounce against the fence when excited, so tautness is a matter of security. A comealong ratchet will work well here. Stretching by hand alone is not enough. The mechanical advantage will contribute to a secure fence line. Also, if you have a dog that is prone to escape, this is the time to consider complete enclosure. A pen with a top section will deter a dog from trying to jump the top of the fence. This section does not need to be as tightly drawn as the vertical perimeter, but it does need to be void of slack.

    Solidify the Base

    • Some dogs are notorious diggers. If this is a problem you currently face, you will want to shore up the ground level of the pen to keep your animals safely inside. One easy and attractive solution is a rock garden. Stones of a significant size will also deter dogs from digging. Also, a well rooted shrubbery can keep dogs from trying to get underneath. A prickly species will be even more effective. Whatever option you choose, remember that the bottom as well as the top is important when considering animal containment.