If the leash cord wraps around of a person or a dog, and the leash is retracted or the dog begins to run, it causes a nasty burn or even amputations.
Blind Corners
The leash cannot be let out to its fullest length in cities or near traffic. The dog can go around a parked car or a corner where the walker cannot see, and the dog can wind up injured or killed.
Falling Apart
Retractable dog leashes have been known to break apart suddenly, causing pieces to become airborne. According to ABC News, a 12-year-old girl was blinded in one eye in this way in 2008.
Retractable leashes are not recommended for puppies by Liz Palika, author of "The KISS Guide to Raising a Puppy." Because of the great length of the lead, the puppy never learns to heel or to stop pulling on the lead.
According to Consumer Reports, there were 16,547 reported injuries to people from dog leashes in 2007. It is unknown how many of those involved retractable leashes.
Retractable Dog Leash Dangers
Retractable dog leashes have become popular since they were introduced in the 1980s. Some leashes unwind to a length of more than 30 feet, which gives the dog some room to wander. But these leashes should be used with caution.