How to Make a Fleece Dog Collar

While normal collars for dogs will work fine, sometimes you might want something a little softer than the usual material. Whether Bowser simply needs a new look, or you want a warmer collar because there's snow and ice everywhere, this article will tell you how to make a fleece cover for your dog collar.

Things You'll Need

  • A dog collar of your choice, which comfortably fits your dog. A length of fleece, about twice the width of your dog's collar. A sewing needle. Thread, the length of your dog's collar plus a few inches. Tape measure.
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  1. Making the Collar

    • 1

      Use the tape measure to figure out how long and wide your dog's collar is.

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      Cut a piece of fleece the length of the collar, plus an inch or so extra, just in case.

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      Do the same thing for width, except double or so, so the collar can fit into it.

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      Take the length of thread, whatever color you'd like, and carefully thread it through the eye of the needle.

      If it doesn't work at first, try cutting off a tiny bit off the end of the thread; even a tiny stray hair can prevent it from threading. Also, if you lick the thread, it will keep it from bending as much while you thread it.

    • 5

      Take the end of the thread that was just put through the needle's eye and pull it back toward the other end of the thread.

      Take both ends together and pull them across the thread so it forms a loop.

      Then push the ends through the loop and pull tight to tie off the thread.

    • 6

      Fold the fleece in the middle and sew the two ends together lengthwise, with stitches pretty close together.

      A few stitches before you've finished, begin to thread your needle through the previous stitches, before you pull them tight. This will keep the stitches from pulling out.

    • 7

      Walk the dog and enjoy!