What can you put in a tank with guppies?

Guppies are peaceful fish that can be kept with a variety of other peaceful fish. Some good tank mates for guppies include:

* Other livebearers, such as platies, swordtails, and mollies

* Tetras

* Danios

* Rasboras

* Barbs

* Corydoras catfish

* Otocinclus catfish

* Ghost shrimp

* Cherry shrimp

When choosing tank mates for guppies, it is important to keep in mind the following:

* Size: Guppies are small fish, so they should not be kept with large fish that could eat them.

* Temperament: Guppies are peaceful fish, so they should not be kept with aggressive fish.

* Water requirements: Guppies prefer warm, slightly alkaline water. Their tank mates should have similar water requirements.

With a little planning, you can create a beautiful and harmonious community tank for your guppies.