What do seals like to play?

Seals are actually very playful animals! While they don't have games in the human sense, they enjoy a variety of activities that we might consider play. Here are some of their favorite things to do:

* Chasing each other: Seals love to chase each other in and out of the water, sometimes engaging in mock fights.

* Playing with kelp: They often bat around seaweed and kelp, tossing it in the air and chasing it.

* Slipping and sliding: They love to slide on their bellies on ice or snow, and even use their flippers to propel themselves.

* Balancing acts: Some seals enjoy balancing on rocks or ice floes, often with a wobbly, playful attitude.

* Barking and vocalizing: Seals communicate with each other through a variety of barks, whistles, and other vocalizations, and often do this during play.

* Snuggling and cuddling: While not specifically "play," seals are very social and enjoy being close to each other, often grooming and snuggling.

Keep in mind that these are just some examples, and different seal species might have different playful behaviors.