Are Nylabones Harmful to Dogs?

Many veterinarians consider Nylabone products to be generally safe. Nylabone makes multiple edible and non-edible products. There have been few isolated incidents of dogs choking on Nylabone products, but this is a risk for dogs with most foods and toy products. Dog owners should follow safety guidelines and directions to ensure safe use of Nylabone products.
  1. Digestion

    • Nylabone rawhide is safe for most dogs to digest, but a concerned owner should bring any worries about rawhide digestion to his pet's veterinarian. Nylabone's FAQs state that scientific studies indicate that supervised consumption of rawhide is safe for dogs, noting that obstruction is possible if the dog swallows Nylabone rawhide not softened by its saliva first.


    • Owners should select edible and non-edible Nylabone products appropriate to their dog's size. PETCO advises that the owner inspect the toy before providing it to the dog, avoid offering non-edible Nylabones to dogs that chew aggressively and purchase Nylabones appropriate for the largest canine member of the family in multi-dog households.

    Product Recalls

    • According to Dr. Stefanie Schwartz, Nylabone removed the Gumma-Bone and other Plaque Attacker products from store shelves in 2001. Schwartz notes that concerned owners should consider natural rawhide instead of non-edible Nylabone products. Purely Pets also mentioned this in a health alert.


    • Selecting the appropriate Nylabone for the size of the dog can help the dog have a safe chewing experience. Owners requiring help should consult Nylabone or retail team members at the local pet store. According to the Nylabone FAQ, edible Nylabone rawhide products should be large enough to chew from the side.


    • Supervision of dogs chewing Nylabone products is integral in assuring pet safety, particularly with dogs with aggressive chewing tendencies. The owner should not permit the dog to swallow large or unsoftened amounts of rawhide and should monitor the pet's behavior with all toys and chew products.

    Nylabone Customer Support

    • The Nylabone FAQ page provides an exchange or refund process for customers who may have purchased the incorrect size Nylabone product. Customers may send the product to Nylabone with the receipt requesting a replacement. This additional step ensures that each dog chews the safe and appropriate product.