How to Make a Braided Dog Rope

Dogs often have a very bad habit of destroying new toys rather quickly. It can be disheartening to buy your dog a toy and have it destroyed 30 minutes after you get home. You can make sure this happens no more! Make your own dog toys from scraps and things you have around the house. Give a dog a piece of rope, and he'll look at you like your nuts. Make a braided pull toy out of the rope, and he'll love you forever. It doesn't take very long, and you won't get upset if he tears it up.


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      Gather up some scrap material you have laying around. If you are not a seamstress and don't have scraps, you can buy material at the fabric store on clearance. They will have plenty of pieces that are too short for most projects. These pieces are marked down for quick sale. The ideal material to use is fleece because it doesn't fray like most material.

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      You need three pieces of material all cut to the same width and length. The width and length will depend on the size of your dog. You don't want a really thick rope for a toy poodle. Just remember the braiding will shorten the overall length of the toy. Cut a thin piece of rope a little shorter than the material.

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      Lay out the pieces of material and the piece of rope. Hold one end together and tie it in a knot, leaving some material hang off the end. Pull it tight. Braid the pieces of material around the rope by pulling one outside piece and placing it the center. Pull the opposite outside piece to the center. Repeat these steps, leaving the rope in the middle, until the you get close to the other end.

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      Tie the knot. Cut off the excess piece of rope. Because the rope wasn't braided, it usually ends up being longer that the toy. Pull each piece of material individually to make sure the knot is tight on both ends. The rope is used to make the toy stronger and stiffer, but it is not necessary if you have a young puppy, older dog or very small dog. Now, go and play with your dog.