How to Teach a Dog to Catch a Flying Disc

Watching a dog streak across the ground, leap in the air and catch a flying disc is a beautiful sight. How do you teach a dog to do that? It takes time, patience and encouragement. But if you're willing to take the time, your dog could be leaping for the disc in no time.

Things You'll Need

  • Food
  • Tennis or racquet ball
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      Start small. Toss your dog pieces of food and instruct her to "catch." If she catches the piece of food, praise her.

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      Move on to a tennis ball or racquet ball once your dog has mastered catching food. Bounce the ball and give the "catch" command. Give lots of praise every time she catches the ball.

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      Familiarize your dog with the flying disc by using it as a food or water bowl. After she has gotten used to the disc start practicing with it instead of the ball.

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      Roll the flying disc on the ground and encourage your dog to chase it. She must also bring it back to you. If she doesn't, use a long leash and give a slight correction when she doesn't return.

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      Try tossing the flying disc a short distance and say "catch." Do this step only after your dog is proficient at catching the ball.

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      Teach your dog to jump by simply holding the flying disc above her head and saying "jump." When she does, let go of the disc when she takes it.

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      Throw the disc further and higher as your dog improves. She will love the chase and will get exercise as well.