What games are there like duck life?

Here are a few games like Duck Life:

- Chicken Life: This game is similar to Duck Life, but instead of ducks, you raise chickens. You can train your chickens to fight in battle, race them, or enter them in beauty contests.

- Dog Life: This game is also similar to Duck Life, but instead of ducks or chickens, you raise dogs. You can train your dogs to fight in battle, race them, or enter them in agility competitions.

- Horse Life: This game is similar to Duck Life, but instead of ducks, chickens, or dogs, you raise horses. You can train your horses to race, enter them in show jumping competitions, or take them on trail rides.

- Cat Life: This game is similar to Duck Life, but instead of ducks, chickens, dogs, or horses, you raise cats. You can train your cats to fight in battle, race them, or enter them in agility competitions.

- Fish Life: This game is similar to Duck Life, but instead of ducks, chickens, dogs, horses, or cats, you raise fish. You can train your fish to fight in battle, race them, or enter them in beauty contests.