Big Toys for Dogs

Every dog owner knows that dogs are exceptionally smart animals and need to be kept intellectually stimulated in order to really be happy. Often, bored or lonesome dogs will develop destructive behaviors. These behaviors could include chewing on furniture, digging holes, tearing up shoes or other stolen goods, or tearing through trash cans. Most dog owners can not spend 24 hours per day, seven days per week with their canine friends. Thus, it is nice for dogs to have some toys to play with when they have to entertain themselves. Especially large dogs and aggressive chewers need durable toys made just for them in order to be safe when they play.
  1. Big Rawhides

    • Rawhide bones, which are actually treated cow hides sometimes shaped like bones, come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and plies. Rawhide can be a great treat for dogs that love to chew. It breaks down slowly and is digestible. Pet Education reports that the Journal of the American Medical Association found that there is no adverse affect associated with swallowing even large quantities of rawhide. They taste good to dogs and they are inexpensive. There are some drawbacks to rawhide, so you should observe your dog the first few times it has a rawhide toy to ensure that it is safe. If your dog is trying to break off and swallow large pieces, it is in danger of choking and should not play with rawhide.

    Cow Leg Bones

    • Cow leg bones are another natural product on the market for big dogs. Unlike rawhide, these bones are usually too hard to splinter, so your dog will probably not be in danger of choking. Most dogs find cow leg bones delicious. These bones make good toys for large breeds and aggressive chewers because they are extremely durable and can outlast most other toys. Cow leg bones are probably best reserved for outdoor play, because they can stain flooring and sometimes they stink. Do not leave the bone outdoors unattended, however, because it may attract vermin.

    Treat Based Toys

    • Treat based toys are especially fun for clever dogs that are happier when they are working on a project. These toys are often made of hard rubber, and have a spot in the middle to hide a treat in or grooves to apply peanut butter to. These toys are nearly impossible for dogs to destroy, so there is very little choking hazard. They are also usually pliable enough to ensure that your dog will not break a tooth. The only drawback to these toys is that they are not interesting to dogs unless someone is available to fill them with treats.

    Rug Bones

    • Rug bones, which are also known as rope bones, come in all sizes and are popular with nearly every type of dog. These toys are colorful ropes tied at the ends so that they resemble bones. You can play fetch or tug of war with your dog with these toys, or your dog can quietly chew on them when it is on its own. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, structured games like fetch are not only fun, but can also teach your dog impulse control. Rope bones can not be swallowed or break your dog's teeth, so they are very safe. As an additional benefit, when these toys begin to stink you can throw them in the washing machine.

    Big Stuffed Animals

    • Not every large dog is an aggressive chewer. Some big dogs like to have a stuffed animal friend to cuddle up with and carry around the house. The best stuffed animal to choose for your dog has no glass or plastic pieces on it, and is sturdily constructed.