Deer Antlers as a Chew Toy for Dogs

If dogs are not provided with chew toys, they will find their own objects to chew on, such as shoes, furniture, and other forbidden objects. Antlers provide a good alternative to bones while providing dogs with the same natural dietary minerals. In addition, they are naturally sturdy and are available in sizes to accommodate many dog breeds.
  1. What are Antlers?

    • According to the University of Michigan Animal Diversity Web, "antlers are a pair of bony, branched structures that protrude from the [frontal bones] of the skull" of most deer and related species. Shed antlers (those that have fallen from the deer as part of their regular life cycle), those used for dog chew toys, consist of a spongy bone layer covered by hard "compact" bone.

    Types of Antlers Available

    • They type of antlers available as dog chew toys may depend on several different factors, including the outlet from where the antlers are purchased. Antlers purchased from co-ops and feed stores might be provided by local suppliers who use dogs to locate antlers shed by local deer populations. The white-tailed deer is the most common species in the United States; however, mule deer, elk, and moose are also common in certain areas.

    Antlers vs. Bones

    • While bones and antlers are very similar in composition, antlers are typically softer than some of the larger bones used for dog treats. It should be noted, however, that both antlers and large-knuckle bones may chip or break a dog's teeth if it is an aggressive chewer.

    Antlers vs. Rawhide

    • Deer antlers have many benefits over rawhides. Rawhides are much softer and in general do not last as long as deer antlers. Because they are soft, rawhides may also be torn into large chunks which, swallowed whole instead of being chewed, may cause intestinal blockage. According to, deer antlers also provide a higher percentage of protein for dogs that chew them over those that chew rawhide.

    Availability of Antlers

    • Deer antlers for dogs are available from a variety of online retail outlets. They may also be sold at local outlets, such as feed stores and co-ops. Athletic dog owners who live in rural areas may prefer to locate their own shed antlers in areas where deer are known to live.