How can i get my dog on tv?

There are a few ways to get your dog on TV. Here are a few tips:

- Start by training your dog. Make sure your dog is well-behaved and can perform basic commands, such as sit, stay, come, and heel.

-Enter your dog in local talent contests. This is a great way to get your dog noticed by casting directors and producers who may be looking for dogs for specific roles.

- Contact local news stations and television shows. Some local news stations and television shows like to feature interesting stories about people and their pets. If you have a unique story about your dog, be sure to pitch it to these shows.

-Post videos of your dog online. Creating your dog in short video clips showcasing his talent, tricks or antics on social media platforms helps in boosting your pet’s popularity. Platforms like TikTok and Youtube provide you with more exposure and chances to reach a wide audience.

-Contact animal talent agencies. There are pet talent agencies that exist who are on the lookout for animals with star potential for roles from feature films, print campaigns, to TV ads and social media.