Dog Breeds That Bark Excessively

Dogs bark to communicate, and any dog can become an excessive barker. Certain breeds are more prone to this irritating habit than are others. For a quieter canine companion, choose breeds that are less likely to bark, and use training techniques that keep your pet under control.
  1. Breeds to Avoid

    • Terriers, herding dogs and beagles are likely barkers as being vocal is part of their breeding. Yorkshire terriers, cairn terrier, fox terriers and West highland white terriers are among the biggest barkers, note authors Benjamin and Lynette Hart in "The Perfect Puppy: How to Choose Your Dog by Its Behavior." Many small dogs, such as the Chihuahua, silky terrier, Pekinese, miniature and toy poodles, bark a lot, too.

    Quieter Breeds

    • Dog breeds that do not bark often include bloodhound, golden retriever, Newfoundland, Akita, rottweiler or Chesapeake Bay retriever, say the Harts. Basenji is the only dog breed that does not bark. They do produce a yodelinglike sound, notes the American Kennel Club. Most dogs will bark at some point in greeting or to protect their territory.

    Why Dogs Bark

    • Any breed of dog may be conditioned to bark excessively for attention, or due to anxiety and separation anxiety. Dogs bark in response to unfamiliar stimuli, such as cars or other dogs, or to defend their territory. A dog may bark to simply greet you or another animal. Compulsive barkers that just keep going are usually responding to other dogs they hear in the neighborhood, even those relatively far away.

    Discouraging Barking

    • Avoid rewarding a dog for barking. If a dog successfully barks for treats, attention or a walk, it will engage in such behavior regularly. If you frustrate your dog by confining it to a small kennel or tying it up restricting movement, you might invite barking. If you have a dog that does not usually bark but suddenly starts, it might be suffering from pain or an illness. For help with incessant barking due to behavioral issues, consult a professional dog trainer for assistance.