How to Make Your Pit Bull Obedient

Pit Bulls have a long history of working alongside humans serving many roles from companion to military service dogs. Pit Bull owners are in a class of their own trying to regain the breed̵7;s integrity after it has incurred a bad reputation from improper and cruel handling in the past. Nevertheless, the breed's characteristics prove it a worthy companion capable of performing well under a committed and knowledgeable handler.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Low-fat dog treats
  • Appropriate sized dog toys
  • Appropriate sized dog crate
  • Quality food
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    • 1

      Know your breed and your specific dog̵7;s level of tolerance. Unlike other breeds, Pit Bulls often do not show signs of aggression or posturing before biting. Being familiar with your breed̵7;s body language ensures you and your dog is communicating clearly and effectively.

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      Feed a quality diet. Many behavior problems can be associated or begin with dietary needs not being met. Pit Bulls that are high energy may require a higher protein percentage in their diet to maintain healthy weight and skin quality. Likewise, an inactive dog may not need a high performance blend.

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      Crate train your Pit Bull puppy or dog. Crate training teaches your dog it has a safe place to call its own. Dogs that are properly crate trained are less likely to pick up destructive or other inappropriate behaviors.

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      Practice basic commands daily during walks and around the house. Performance dogs are judged on accuracy, which means that training every day and practicing every opportunity increases your dog̵7;s accuracy at obeying your commands.

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      Start introductions to people and other pets as early as seven weeks of age. Well-socialized dogs are less prone to behavior problems.

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      Use appropriate dog socializing methods such as enrolling your dog in obedience or the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen award program. This shows your friends and neighbors that your dog is a breed representative.

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      Socialize your dog outside and away from dog parks. While dog parks are excellent for smaller breeds, they are not ideal for Pit Bulls because of their excitable nature. Taking your dog for walks offers new sights, sounds and people that stimulate your dog̵7;s senses.

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      Engage in regular exercise time daily to release energy into acceptable forms of play and monitor current playing behaviors. Playtime also give you time to fine-tune your dog̵7;s basic commands and introduce new commands.