The Use of a Red Light as an Animal Deterrent

Farms, ranches and neighborhood residences are affected by pesky night animals that destroy crops, disturb livestock and bother pets like cats and dogs. Red light animal deterrents are effective because they are easy to install, most are solar-powered and all emit a red light that resembles the watchful eye of a predator. The device is shaped like a box and houses one or two red or infrared lights. Once the pests see the lights, they flee and rarely return. The deterrent is also environmentally-friendly because it does not require poisons to keep the pests away.
  1. Motion Detector

    • Red light deterrents work either as motion detectors or by turning on each night and staying on for a designated period of time. It is important the deterrent runs every night or else the pests may slip past it and continue to try to return. When the light is on, it resembles the eyes of a predator. Many red light deterrents feature two small, closely spaced lights in the shape of eyes.

    Flashing Light

    • Once the deterrent switches on (as a motion detector or during the pre-determined period), it flashes. This flashing light is more noticeable to pests and looks as if the red light "eye" is moving, as if it is a live predator. The red color more closely resembles an eye whereas a yellow light looks like all the other farm and household lights that pests grow accustomed to, and it is also visible from far away.

    Eye-Level Deterrent

    • Red light deterrents placed at the pest's eye level or slightly higher are more effective because the pest thinks the predator is taller and possibly stronger. If the light is too high, the pest will not notice it or will associate it with something else. Deterrents can hang from fence posts, sit on large rocks or on decks or patios.


    • Red light deterrents can be useful wherever there are pests, including at campsites. Because most deterrents are solar powered, they do not require an electrical outlet or new batteries. This also makes them useful for large farms or ranches where electrical outlets may not be available, like along a fence line.