What Are Some Things You Can Do to Make Your Puppy Calmer?

Puppies are bundles of energy. They need time to run and play, as well as quiet time, just as we all do. Being proactive in the training of your puppy will not only teach him obedience, but also will give you tools for calming him when he gets overly excited. Giving your puppy regular outlets for his energy will make him a calmer pet, less destructive and more pleasant to be around.
  1. Owners

    • A puppy̵7;s mother is his pack leader, determining when he eats, plays and how far he can wander from her. When you bring home a new puppy, you become the pack leader. It is your task to be ̶0;in charge̶1; of him or he will try to become the leader. Keeping your puppy̵7;s day organized, with time to eat, play, sleep and exercise, helps to keep him calm. A puppy is sensitive to your anger, frustrations and tension. He can read your facial expressions and body language. Be calm and firm as you establish yourself as the pack leader.


    • Obedience training helps to keep an excitable puppy calm. Training helps your puppy understand that you are the pack leader. It also gives you a means of controlling him at those times when the unexpected happens. When you are out for walks, take along treats. When other dogs approach, get his attention and maintain eye contact. Reward him with a treat for calming down. Teach your puppy to accept restraint, something puppies and dogs do not like. Practice restraining him for short periods at a time so that you can do this when he becomes upset.


    • Providing your puppy with outlets for his abundant energy helps to keep him calm at other times. Take your puppy for walks on a leash each day to get him used to being around other dogs and people. Allow him to have a loose leash at times for a degree of freedom. Schedule play time with other puppies at your home or at a doggie daycare. Interactive food toys give your puppy plenty of activity when you are not available. Place some of his food or a treat inside the toy to keep him occupied while you are away. Throughout the day be sure that your puppy has crate time, play time, exercise and cuddling time to keep him contented and calm.


    • We all know the calming effects of a massage. Give your puppy regular massages to help him relax. Massage his back or chest in a circular motion with firm pressure. Avoid massaging his hind legs since many dogs do not like this. Massage him a few minutes several times a day. When your dog becomes upset from the sound of fireworks, an approaching storm or at the vet, lay him down and gently massage his neck and rub your hands down his spine several times to calm him.