How to Get a Yorkie to Go From Potty Pads to Outside Permanently

Small dogs, such as Yorkshire Terriers, are difficult to housebreak. While some owners opt to permanently use potty pads indoors, they can also be used as a transitional tool to help train a puppy to go outdoors. Potty training a Yorkie requires patience, and if you are not consistent with your reinforcement or training, you will confuse your puppy and it will result in an increased amount of accidents.


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      Move the potty pad close to the exit of your house.

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      Show your Yorkie puppy the new location of the potty pad, and remind him where it is throughout the day.

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      Allow your Yorkie to use the potty pad near the exit. This will help him transition from inside the house to the outdoors.

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      Begin taking your Yorkie outside to go to the bathroom, bringing a soiled potty pad with you. Be sure to take him outside first thing after he wakes up and after each meal.

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      Put the used potty pad down on the ground. This will help your puppy understand the task that is expected of him.

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      Praise your Yorkie each time he goes to the bathroom outdoors, and continue to positively reinforce him with petting, an encouraging voice or treats. Keep a potty pad inside the house to help prevent accidents until he no longer urinates or defecates indoors.