How to Get Puppies to Go Down Hardwood Steps

Puppies are just learning all of the things they need to get around on a daily basis. They are scared of many things and bold in other areas. When it comes to stairs, some puppies just go for it, but if they sense danger or that they may be injured, you may have to teach them how to navigate going down them. Often, puppies will fly up the stairs, but be hesitant to go down them knowing they may fall and tumble, so you have to build confidence through repetition.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl of food or treats
  • Rug or blanket
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    • 1

      Introduce your puppy to the hardwood stairs. Show it the bottom and the top of the stairs so it knows what to do when he approaches the stairs. Walk up and down the stairs holding it in your arms, stopping at the landing and showing it what it is expected to do, which is walk up and down them on its own. Use an excited tone to introduce it to the stairs so that it knows that going down the stairs on its own is a good thing.

    • 2

      Set it down gently on the landing or on one of the steps. Give it an idea of what it will feel like to stand on a stair. If your main floor is hardwood, it will be familiar with the feel, but if it is not, you will want it to adjust to the feel of the hardwood on its puppy paws. Give it words of encouragement and praise as well as a treat if it behaves well will on the stair or landing.

    • 3

      Place a bowl of food or some treats at the bottom of the stairs or on the first landing. The puppy may need some motivation, so using food or treats is the best way to get it down the stairs using a distraction. If possible, have someone else toward the bottom of the stairs as well just in case your puppy slips and hurts itself. Catch the puppy if it slips or starts to tumble down the stairs due to lack of traction on the stairs.

    • 4

      Set a blanket or rug on the stairs to cover them for the first few trips down the stairs, making it easier for it to navigate. Covering the stairs with the rug or blanket will add just enough traction to allow it to go down the stairs without the fear of slippage. Repeat this several times to make sure that it is comfortable with the stairs themselves and the action of descending them.

    • 5

      Remove the rug or blanket after about five times down the stairs. Since it will already be familiar with the hardwood from Step 2 as well as descending the rug or blanket-covered stairs from Step 4, it should be able to descend the hardwood stairs with no major issues or fear. Your puppy may stumble and fall, but it will eventually get the hang of it through praise, treats and a lot of encouragement.