What Can Be Done to Stop Barking in Pomeranians?

Barking is a way your dog communicates with other canines. All dogs bark, but if they do it for more than a reasonable amount of time, this can be annoying for you and your neighbors. Pomeranians generally don't bark as loudly as larger dog breeds but their barking can be annoying. Ideally, you should be able to train your pom not to bark in excess, but there are also a number of anti-barking products and treatments that you can look into.
  1. Identify the Cause

    • Pomeranians bark to defend their territory, get attention, alert their owner of something or greet their owner. Monitor your dog's barking behavior and identify the triggers. You can find methods to deal with your dog's barking according to the factor causing the behavior. A sudden change in barking behavior may mean your dog is sick or injured, so seek veterinary help.


    • Your dog can be trained not to bark or at least bark less. Make sure your pom gets sufficient exercise and play time during the day, so it won't bark due to excessive energy or boredom. Use a firm ̶0;No̶1; to show your pet that you disapprove of its barking. As an alternative, you can use a whistle or a sharp noise, which startles your dog. In some cases, ignoring your pom when it seeks your attention by barking is an efficient method to eliminate barking. Over time, your pom will learn that barking is not a means to get your attention, so it will no longer use barking for this purpose. You can also spray water on your dog to stop this behavior. Poms don't like to be sprayed with water and they can associate this unpleasant experience with barking, so they are likely to stop barking to avoid being sprayed with water.

    Anti-Barking Devices

    • Commercial products that ease excessive barking include anti-barking devices and collars. The devices emit a sound that is only audible to dogs and is triggered by the barking noise. The sound startles the dog and makes it stop barking. There are different types of devices on the market and they only work within a certain distance from the barking dog. There are two main types of anti-barking collars: ones that work by administering a shock to the dog and ones that spray the dog with citronella spray once it starts barking.

    Controversial Anti-Barking Methods

    • Debarking is a surgery on the dog's vocal cords that eliminates barking noise completely. However, this treatment is not recommended and most veterinarians consider it inhumane because it involves cutting or cauterizing the vocal cords. The dog will still bark, but the barking will be silent due to the lack of vocal cords. Anti-barking shock collars are also considered inhumane, because they hurt the dog even if it is only for a brief period of time.