No matter how good you are at coaching canines, determined Yorkies will rebel against training if they are not instructed the right way. Yorkies, which are also known as Yorkshire Terriers, are earnest and need daily interaction with people and limited exercise, say representatives at the American Kennel Club. Whether you are training puppies or adult canines, teaching Yorkies to lay down is a marvelous way to interact with them and exercise their mind, especially when they are given praise, treats and consistent commands.
Things You'll Need
Dog treats
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Choose a room that is distraction-free.
Bring the Yorkie to a quiet, empty room.
A sitting Yorkie will lay down easily.
Make the Yorkie sit or stand. Hold a treat in front of the Yorkie's nose so it can sniff it.
The Yorkie will follow the treat to the ground.
Lower the treat slowly between the Yorkie's front paws until it touches the floor. Bring the treat underneath it's chest slightly so the Yorkie will lay down.
Command "Down" in an assertive, calm voice as the Yorkie lays down. Give it the treat and verbal praise when it lays down on the ground.
After a few training sessions, Yorkies will learn how to lay down.
Stop giving treats to the Yorkie when it begins to lay down on command. Replace treats with verbal praise or a click from a clicker.