How to Use a Dog Heeling Stick

The heeling stick is most often used when training hunting dogs. The heeling stick, which resembles a riding crop, is a semi-flexible rod that is about three feet long. It is used after a dog has learned basic obedience. The trainer then uses both the leash and the heeling stick to reinforce the basic commands. Eventually, the trainer only needs the heeling stick to correct the dog, which is done with gentle pressure or light tapping. It is important to remember that the heeling stick is a guide for the dog and should never be used to threaten, frighten or hurt the dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Heeling stick
  • Leash
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    • 1

      Teach your dog to be comfortable with the heeling stick. First let him see you carrying the heeling stick, then rub it along your dog̵7;s sides and back. Praise your dog while doing so.

    • 2

      Hold the heeling stick in same hand as the side on which your dog is heeling. For instance, if your dog is heeling on your right side, carry the heeling stick in your right hand. Rest the heeling stick on your shoulder when you are not guiding your dog with it.

    • 3

      Use the heeling stick to help your dog maintain the correct heeling position. For example, give your dog the heel command. If your dog moves ahead of you, tug on his leash and gently tap him on the chest with the heeling stick. If your dog lags behind you, gently tap him on his bottom until he moves so his shoulder is at your knee. If your dog strays to the left, gently tap his left shoulder until he moves close to your leg. Praise your dog.

    • 4

      Apply the heeling stick to help your dog obey the sit command. Tell your dog to sit. If he dawdles, gently pull up on his leash. Bring the heeling stick behind your dog by reaching behind your back and turning your palm down, then toward your dog. Gently tap his hips until he sits. Praise your dog.

    • 5

      Reinforce the down command with the heeling stick. Give the down command. If your dog doesn̵7;t obey, instead of using hand pressure to signal him, gently tap your dog on the shoulder or back or lay the stick across his back. When he lays down, praise your dog.

    • 6

      Tell your dog to stay. If he moves, place the heeling stick across the front of your body. Take a step and repeat the sit and stay commands while gently tapping your dog on the chest. When he complies, praise your dog.