Weave poles on an agility course. Utilize a timed obstacle course that has A-frames, hoop jumps, tunnels, balance beams, weave poles and a teeter-totter. Jack Russells need to know the basic obedience commands of sit, down, stay and come. They should also behave around other dogs as well as unfamiliar people. Owners or handlers run the course with their Jack Russells and direct them with verbal commands and hand signals.
Hurdles are part of flyball. Flyball is a timed relay race for teams of dogs. Each team consists of four dogs and their owners. The first dog on each team runs down a lane, jumps four hurdles and hits a board on the front of a spring-loaded box that ejects a tennis ball. The dog catches the ball and runs back down the lane. After that dog crosses the finish line, the next dog on the team goes until all four dogs have run. The winning team is the first one to run all its dogs without errors.
Dogs "dance" in freestyle. Combines obedience and agility with music. Jack Russells need basic obedience training, which includes heeling and focusing on their owner. Owners develop a routine to a song and incorporate moves for their dog that includes heeling, weaving, leaping and spinning.
Owners walk with dogs on a leash while following a human scent trail in tracking events. Tracking events are not timed. They measure a dog's ability to track a human scent trail, and judges grade dogs as pass or fail. Owners follow their dogs on a long leash to encourage them, but they are not allowed to guide the dogs in any way. Dogs must track an aged scent trail for a set distance. There are four titles that dogs can earn; each title has specific requirements.
Activities for Jack Russells
Jack Russell terriers are hunting dogs by nature. They are high-energy dogs that need activities to burn their energy and keep them out of trouble. Many competitive dog sports exist for Jack Russells and their owners. These sports help owners and dogs bond and have fun together.