How to Keep Dogs off of Sofas

If your dog loves to make herself at home on your sofa, there are a number of steps you can take to keep her off your furniture once and for all. You can keep your sofa free of paw prints, bite marks and fur by being observant, exercising a great deal of patience and incorporating the aid of some common household items.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty boxes
  • Carpet runner
  • Scat Mat
  • Dog crate
  • Dog repellent spray
  • Dog bed
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Buy your pooch a comfortable dog bed. Since some dogs regard human furniture as a prime sleeping spot, an extra-comfy dog bed can act as a good deterrent. While your dog is still getting used to his new bed, reward him with a treat whenever you see him lounging on the bed as opposed to your sofa to reinforce and encourage this behavior.

    • 2

      Lay a turned-over plastic carpet runner across your sofa whenever your dog is left unsupervised. While the tiny plastic spikes found on the backside of the runner will not injure your dog, they will make the sofa a very uncomfortable area for her to lounge.

    • 3

      Place large empty boxes or turned-over chairs on your sofa. This will help send the message that your sofa is off-limits and inaccessible to your dog. If your dog attempts to hop onto the sofa regardless, he is sure to have a very difficult time of it.

    • 4

      Place a Scat Mat on top of your sofa or at the foot of it. These innovative mats are touch-sensitive and administer a small static shock whenever your dog steps on them.

    • 5

      Spray some dog-oriented furniture repellent around the general area of your sofa. While inoffensive to humans, the scent these repellents carry will keep your dog a fair distance from your sofa.

    • 6

      Give your dog a time-out whenever you see her lounging on your sofa. Place her in a doggy cage or crate for 5 to 10 minutes every time you catch her in the act. Over time, she will come to associate going on the couch with being punished.