How to Stop Dogs From Crying in the Car

Crying is to humans what whining is to dogs. Crying usually signals to other humans that something is amiss and whining usually serves the same purpose for dogs. Sometimes, however, whining is simply a way of getting attention. Dog owners usually respond to attention-seeking whining either by trying to soothe the dog or by scolding it. Either way, the behavior is reinforced because the dog achieved what it set out to do -- get the owner's attention. Getting a dog to stop whining in a car involves isolating the cause and addressing it accordingly.


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      Ask a veterinarian about trying medication for motion sickness, as your dog may be whining because it is car sick. If the dog doesn't whine in the car after taking medicine, then the whining was likely due to car sickness.

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      Stop for a break and take the dog for a quick walk or run in a park. If the dog doesn't whine when you get back in the car, it was probably just bored.

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      Exercise your dog before the car ride. Tired dogs are less likely to whine than well-rested dogs.

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      Ignore attention-seeking whining. Teach your dog to not whine in the car by rewarding it for when it is quiet.

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      Seek professional help if, in addition to whining, your dog displays other signs of anxiousness such as pacing, circling and licking. Anxiety disorders can be treated with medications. It's possible your dog has a phobia of cars because of some past experience.