How to Train a Boxer to Walk Alongside of You

Owners of boxers, who want to take their pet outside the yard, must teach the dog to walk correctly alongside. Dogs want to please their owner but need consistent and clear instructions. Boxers should be trained by their owner and not an outside person, or the dog will view the trainer and not the owner as the authority figure. Give your boxer authoritative commands and use treats to keep his attention, if necessary. You should never punish your dog for not obeying a command. Be patient and repeat the exercise on a regular basis, until the boxer becomes proficient at heeling.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar
  • Choke chain (optional)
  • Prong collar (optional)
  • Leash
  • Various treats
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    • 1

      Ensure that your boxer already knows the ̶0;come̶1; and the ̶0;sit̶1; command.

    • 2

      Find a quiet place, where the boxer̵7;s attention will not be distracted by people, traffic or other pets, and place the collar on your dog. Attach the leash to the collar.

    • 3

      Stand in a relaxed position with your boxer sitting on your left side. Hold the leash reasonably tight and gather the slack in your right hand.

    • 4

      Hold a number of treats in your right hand. Allow your boxer to smell the treats, but do not offer them to the dog at this stage.

    • 5

      Step forward decisively with your left leg and sweep your right hand forward so the boxer can smell the treats. Your aim is to keep the animal̵7;s attention.

    • 6

      Return your hand to your right side. Tug authoritatively on the leash and give the ̶0;Heel̶1; command.

    • 7

      Continue walking in a straight line with your hands by your side.

    • 8

      Immediately correct the boxer if she either lunges forward or crosses in front of you. Correct the dog̵7;s action by giving a sharp and clear ̶0;No̶1; command and quickly snapping the leash.

    • 9

      Repeat the exercise.

    • 10

      Praise your boxer if it walks correctly at your side. Repeat the praise in a positive voice, because this type of positive reinforcement will encourage the dog to pay attention and to obey commands.

    • 11

      Use a long and narrow hallway to continue training if your boxer continually attempts to sniff at objects nearby or is distracted by background sounds and movements.

    • 12

      Repeat the ̶0;heel̶1; exercise at least twice a day. Always reward your boxer when it responds correctly to your commands, and make the training session pleasant for your dog.

    • 13

      Do not train for more than 15 minutes at any one time.