Why Dogs Nip
A gentle hand during playtime results in a gentle pit bull. Pit bulls are bred to be loyal companions and are expected to become quickly docile at the slightest touch of a handler, no matter how aggressive the dog may be. However, common behavior such as nipping during play occurs in all dogs because it is an innate canine behavior. Nipping should be discouraged and playful behavior should be directed to puppy-safe toys.
Nip vs. Bite
Being able to recognize a nip as opposed to a bite also is important in determining what may be the stimuli. Biting is a directed behavior that results from being handled too roughly during play. Nipping that goes uncorrected can blossom into a dangerous habit. Daily training throughout the life of the dog that calmly discourages aggressive behavior and positively reinforces good behavior is a must for the pit bull breed.
Controling the Nip
When ignoring the dog, no one should speak or touch him before its time is up. New pit bull owners or handlers should not attempt to train any dog without reading quality materials on dog training and should never use force or violence to train an animal. In order to discourage nipping, find what stimulus occurs before and results in the nipping. If a certain toy creates hyperactivity and nipping, find a new toy for a while to allow for new behaviors to be established. Discourage the nipping by immediately stopping what you're doing and yelping once, then turn your back to the dog and walk a few feet away to allow the dog to feel isolated. After 20 to 30 seconds, offer a chew toy to the dog.
Puppy School
Puppy classes are not just for puppies, there are adult beginning classes that instruct the handler how to train basic behaviors such as sit, stay, walk on a leash and come. Pit bulls are an intelligent breed that excels in agility and obedience competitions. Pit bull rescue centers also have online pamphlets and training advice that can help with basic commands and trouble-shooting how to avoid training mistakes.
Pitbull Nipping Problems & Solutions
Pit bulls, just like any other breed of dog, require training to prevent playful or intentional nips that could lead to injury. As with all dogs, pit bulls can be trained at any age to be a well-behaved companion. Identifying what triggers the nipping is important in finding the appropriate correction method. While most puppies should be socialized and trained, many times owners do not realize that playful nipping habits can lead to accidental bites.