How to Train Male Rottweilers to Come

According to the American Rottweiler Club, Rottweilers should be obedience trained starting in puppyhood, "because of the size and strength of the animal." It is important to remember that Rottweilers were both herding and working dogs, bred to think independently, so a little difficulty can be expected when training this breed. Males are larger than females and therefore may cause more difficulty in terms of physical handling, but both sexes are large enough and strong enough to knock a person down. Teaching the "come" command, referred to as the "recall" in training circles, takes time and patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar
  • 6-foot training leash
  • Soft training treats cut in bite-sized pieces
  • 20-foot long line
  • Clicker (optional)
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  1. Pre-Training

    • 1

      Determine if your dog is driven by toys, food or praise rewards. Many dogs will work for food treats, which can be beneficial when working with a clicker. Alternate between food, toys and praise as rewards during play or during other informal training exercises to determine which will motivate your dog to give you the desired results.

    • 2

      Ensure that your puppy or dog knows its name. Unless he turns his head to look at you, cocks his head or steps toward you when you say the name, he probably does not know it. Teach your puppy his name by quietly saying the name in a clear, calm voice at random times during the day. Reward the pup when he responds to you. This exercise also teaches your puppy that good things come from you when he is paying attention to you.

    • 3

      Withhold all treats or other rewards from your dog unless he offers you the behavior you requested. Your dog must understand that rewards are earned in response to your request, and he must please you in order to get them. This step is particularly important due to your dog's large adult size. Your Rottweiler should never have the idea he can take something he wants simply because it wants it.

    Training the On-Leash Recall

    • 4

      Select the appropriate collar for your dog. Attach the 6-foot leash to the collar.

    • 5

      Allow your dog to move away from you until the leash is nearly taut. Say your dog's name. When he turns toward you, back up one or two steps and then stop. Even if he is stationary, he should move toward you when you start to back up. If you are using a clicker, click your dog as he moves toward you. Give him a treat when he reaches you. Do not use the "come" command yet. Repeat this step several times.

    • 6

      Increase the distance that you step backwards. Rottweilers are big dogs, and you may need to run backwards several feet if your dog is an adult.

    • 7

      Ask for a better performance when your dog is coming quickly to you. Stop rewarding him when he attempts to jump on you or run past you when he returns to you. Keep your dog on the short leash until he is stopping in front of you and either sitting down or standing in place until you ask him to move.

    Training the Recall Using a Long Line

    • 8

      Tie a knot at the halfway point in your long line. Tie two more knots in the line, dividing it into four equal portions. Attach your line to your dog's collar.

    • 9

      Allow your dog to move out to the first knot in your line. Say your dog's name, as above. Click or praise him as he begins to walk toward you. Repeat this process several times until your dog is replicating his performance, above. When your dog has reached this point, give him a handful of treats and effusive praise -- a "jackpot" -- and quit training for the day.

    • 10

      Allow your dog to move out to the halfway knot on the leash. Call out your dog's name and the command "come." If your dog does not immediately move toward you, then step backward as you did initially on the short leash. If you are using the clicker, click it when he has committed to moving toward you. Otherwise, praise him when he approaches you. Give him a treat when he reaches you. Repeat until the dog is coming to you with enthusiasm. Jackpot and quit for the day.

    • 11

      Improve your dog's performance until he is again sitting or standing in front of you when he completes the exercise. You should be able to place your hand on his head or on his collar without him shying away.

    • 12

      Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your dog is coming in reliably to a single command.

    Off-Leash Recall

    • 13

      Bring your dog to a fenced area. Stand directly in front of your dog and remove the leash.

    • 14

      Take several steps backward. Give the command to come. Your dog should step immediately in your direction. Praise him and give him treats.

    • 15

      Increase the distance gradually. If your dog does not know how to sit and stay, then have a helper hold your dog until you are ready to call him. Once your dog is coming to you every time you call him, he is ready to be taught how to generalize his behavior and have distractions added.