How to Train Dogs to Greet Visitors

Dogs are by nature social creatures. Their exuberance upon greeting new visitors is usually not aggressive but can intimidate some people. Getting your dog to greet people politely without barking or jumping on them can take time and training. But with training tips and a few patient friends willing to help, your dog will soon be sitting quietly, waiting to be acknowledged when a guest enters your home.


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      Enter your home. Command your dog to sit or lie down. Walk over to your dog to greet them and praise him if he obeys. If he does not, exit your home and re-enter, commanding the dog to sit. Repeat this process and do not show the dog any other attention until he obeys.

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      Enter your home with a friend. If your dog jumps on the friend excessively, have your friend ignore the dog and exit. Instruct your dog to sit or lie down and stay and ask the friend to enter again. Once the dog is calm, your friend may greet the dog and praise it.

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      Ask several friends to enter your home without you. Have them exit if the dog is excited as you command the dog to sit or lie down. Repeat this process until the dog is calm. Once the dog is calm and quiet, your friends may approach the dog and praise it.