How to Train Your Yorkie to Pee Inside and Outside

Yorkies have a reputation from breeders and owners as being difficult dogs to potty train. What a Yorkie needs is a highly structured environment and a patient owner who will teach it the proper potty steps. Indoor potty methods are great for people who live in apartments, elderly and handicapped owners, young puppies and people who need to leave the dog alone for long hours.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter, newspaper or bathroom pads
  • Rewards
  • Leash
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    • 1

      Decide on which indoor bathroom method you want your Yorkie to use. Litter boxes, newspapers and dog pads are the three most common indoor bathroom methods for dogs. Once you pick one, you must stick with only that method. Pads are nice because they attract dogs to pee on them, absorb moisture and are easy to dispose of. Newspapers are cheap and easy to throw away. Litter boxes are not as unsightly as newspapers and pads, are sanitary and are also easy to clean. Choose one and commit to it.

    • 2

      Begin by teaching your Yorkie to "go to the bathroom" on the right materials and in the right spot. Always keep the dog bathroom in the same area. Teach your Yorkie a command word such as "go pee" every time it goes in the right spot. Reward and praise the dog after it pees in the right area. When starting, it is okay to lift the dog and place it on the right spot to teach it where to go. A young Yorkie will urinate 20 to 30 minutes after drinking; knowing this schedule will allow you to get it to the right place on time.

    • 3

      To train your Yorkie to urinate outside, make sure your Yorkie is attached to a leash so you can be the dominant pack leader. Walk your dog outside to the chosen restroom spot, and create a short verbal cue like "potty time" to get your dog to associate this time as a time to go. Make sure to use the same short verbal cue every time a member of your family is taking your Yorkie outside to use the bathroom. Walk your dog around a potential spot until it shows signs of going. Once it starts to pee, create another verbal cue like "go pee" to teach it to go when this command is given. Always use the same cue every time it pees.

    • 4

      Reward your dog as soon as it has finished going to the bathroom outdoors. Give your Yorkie a treat and lots of attention to keep encouraging this behavior. Have outdoor playtime after the dog has gone to the bathroom, never beforehand, to encourage the dog to use the bathroom then play, instead of playing, then peeing. Give your dog the same amount of time to pee on each outdoor visit to create a scheduled bathroom time. If your Yorkie does not pee on schedule, put it in its crate for 10 to 15 minutes because it will not pee where it sleeps. Take it outside after the time in the crate to teach it to go outdoors.