Help With Getting a German Shorthaired to Point

German shorthaired pointers can be trained to point when they are puppies, readying them for work as hunting companions. It is best to start slowly in steps, getting the dog to stop on the command of a whistle before using live pigeons. Once it can successfully point you can extend its training to teach it to retrieve as well.
  1. Start with a Whistle

    • One of the most common methods to train a dog to point is called "chaining," because you are teaching the dog to expect a specific chain of events. Generally, they begin by getting the dog to respond appropriately to the command "stop," indicated by a whistle. Test the German shorthaired pointer by leaving him 20 yards away, calling to him, and blowing the whistle when he is halfway there. Teaching him to stop on command is linked to getting him to stop at the sight of a bird later in the training.

    Introduce the Bird Launcher

    • Teach the dog to stop at the sight of a bird by using a remote bird launcher. Load the launcher with a dummy bird, making sure it will land about 15 feet in front of you. Call the dog. Launch the dummy and simultaneously give the command to stop with the whistle. Repeat this exercise until the dog stops automatically when he sees the dummy bird.

    Using a Live Pigeon

    • The next level of progression in training the German shorthaired pointer is substituting the dummy in the launcher for a live bird. Pigeons can be purchased for this purpose. Once the dog is used to the sight of a live bird hide the launcher in a field and walk towards it from the downwind side so the dog can smell it. He will eventually learn to stop when he smells the bird, having successfully learned to point.

    Teaching it to Retrieve

    • Once the German short haired has learned to point you can teach it to retrieve shot birds. Continue the same training process as before, hiding a live bird in a launcher and making sure the dog stops once it smells the bird. After releasing the launcher and the bird flies up throw a dead bird in the air. Train the dog to only retrieve it on your command, starting with a whistle if necessary.