How to Train My Miniature Schnauzer to Calm Down

The Miniature Schnauzer is a smart, spirited dog that thrives on attention. They are energetic and lively, but willing to please. Many times, a dog's behavior is a mirror reflection of your emotions. If you are stressed or excited, the dog will feel stress or excitement as well. With practice, you can train your Miniature Schnauzer to be calm and obedient.


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      Ignore your Schnauzer when he misbehaves. Turn away from him, and don't look at or speak to him.

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      Speak soothingly to your Schnauzer when she is calm. If your dog is already excited and you speak loudly or harshly, that will only reinforce the dog's bad behavior.

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      Train your dog to sit and stay on command. Practice this in your own home. Using an assertive but not harsh voice, command your dog to sit. If he doesn't obey, gently move your dog into a sitting position. Praise your dog when he sits and stays. This behavior can then be moved outside your home and into different environments.

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      Exercise your Schnauzer regularly. Many dogs have excessive energy if they're cooped up in a crate or house for hours at a time. Play and interact with your dog to burn off any nervous energy the dog may have.